Author Archive

Keith Ward

Keith Ward is an editor and writer for 1105 Media.
Digital Government

Today is the day: iPhone lands in Verizon stores

Consumers can officially walk into a store and buy a Verizon-enabled iPhone 4.

Digital Government

Which smart phone bests the rest?

By the end of 2010, it's likely that Android will have surpassed the iPhone in U.S. market share, becoming the second-most popular smart phone platform, and on its way to becoming No. 1 sometime next year.

Digital Government

The myth of 'write a mobile app, make a mint'

Can developers make money on mobile applications? Competition in the mobile app market is brutal, and getting an app noticed is getting harder and harder.

Digital Government

Flash: New Android release offers what Apple won't

Version 2.2. of Google's Android operating system has added Flash, which Apple has resisted allowing on the iPhone, and tethering, which the iPhone doesn't yet have.

Digital Government

Developers race to create iPad apps

Mobile app developers move fast to tap iPad market.